Another compact variety, ‘Silver Dragon,’ has silvery, pale green leaves with dark green veining that shows red on the underside. Subscribe to my blogs on. You can propagate various types of plants by division, air layering, leaf cuttings, stem cuttings, etc. Taking cuttings from a plant stimulates growth, and helps to make the plant bushier (in addition to taking your rooting cuttings and planting them up the top). Because I received a few cuttings, I figured I could afford to experiment a little, so I decided to do another propagation trial. How to Propagate Your Alocasia Plant . If you choose a sickly plant that gave you only one tomato, don’t expect t… Start by taking several nice, straight cuttings that are 3 to 4 inches in length, then stripping away the leaves from most of the cuttings' length (leave a few at … While alocasia may look similar to their cousins colocasia, or elephant ear plant, colocasia have edible roots and are typically grown outdoors. The best propagation method of alocasia is via division. Because Alocasia Polly is a tuberous plant that grows from a bulb. You can also place small divisions in water to allow new roots to grow before planting in soil. Most Alocasia plants can be propagated by clump or rhizome division. Did you replant everything? Most plants will root well from a softwood cutting, which is this seasons new growth. Please feel free to share your questions, ideas and suggestions! Thanks guys! Step 1: Carefully remove the mother plant from its pot and use your fingers to loosen and remove soil from the roots. Alocasia, also known as African mask plant or Kris plant, is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves with attractive contrasting veins.   You can use tip cuttings—the end of a branch with new growth—or a portion of stem with at least one leaf at the top. You can also group your humidity-loving tropical houseplants together, which can help to create a more humid microclimate in your space. Thanks for the info Steve! The time a cutting is taken depends upon what type of plant you are propagating. Alocasia plants grow best with lots of bright, indirect light. You can put 3-4 cuttings in different holes in the same pot. The best propagation method of alocasia is via division. Feed your alocasia with half-strength liquid houseplant fertilizer three or four times per year. There are three ways that you can propagate herbs: by rooting cuttings in water, planting cuttings into a growing medium, and growing basil from seeds. Alocasia propagation | Step by step The first step to Alocasia propagation is to remove the plant from its pot and shake the excess soil off its roots. I was wondering if there is a way to take/make cuttings from it? Cut off a piece of the underground rhizome and pot it up separately, then keep it warm and moist until new growth begins. I will also update this post regularly to show the progress of the cuttings. You can also use a potting mix made of two parts African violet mix or a blend of equal parts coarse sand or perlite, peat, and potting soil. Be sure to cut back any shriveled or rotten roots before planting with fresh soil in a slightly larger container. Your plant may need a little less water when growth slows in the winter, so keep an eye on the soil during the spring and fall transitions. 5 Ways to Propagate String of Hearts 1. Annother Alocasia that is also called African Mask is Alocasia Polly.Alocasia itself is a genus of 70 different species. Have used seed & division to propagate this plant little or no luck with cuttings. Most experts agree that the recommended way in which you can propagate your plant is by rhizome or clump division. This plant was grown by me in previous year. Step 5 Water the soil until it is saturated. Alocasia regulina ‘Black Velvet’ is a small-sized variety that has soft, velvety, round leaves colored almost black with contrasting white veining. Division should be done in the spring or early summer after the plant comes out of winter dormancy. In this article, I will focus on propagating Sansevieria with leaf cuttings in soil. Oh well. Like many of their cousins in the aroid family, such as philodendrons, pothos, monstera, and ZZ plants, alocasia are easy to propagate via cuttings or division. In the case of a vine plant (such as Devils Ivy), a new stem will often grow from where it was cut and/or higher up the vine, or from the top. Wait! The best time to divide your alocasia is in spring or … There are many striking varieties of alocasia with a wide range of different colors, shapes, and sizes. It hasnt had time to harden and the interior cells are very active and generally easy to reproduce. Its had as many as 3 leaves, but is at one rather large leaf now (with another starting to split off from the main stem).-tad Use a clean, sharp blade or pruners to separate the roots if needed. Probably the most important step in the entire process is choosing the mother plant. A node is the place on the vine where the leaves emerge. Keep the soil very lightly moist. I hope that the family crisis was not too bad and that the wedding is wonderful! The best time to divide your alocasia is in spring or early summer at the start of the growing season. Hoya Kerrii with Stem and Root Rot; Hoya Kerrii with stem and root rot removed and ready for propagation; Finicky Plants that go into Shock Easily (Division) The propagation of Alocasia Polly is called Division. Lightly pack soil around the tuber and water it gently. Alocasia Propagation from Cuttings I know you're probably tired of hearing about my Alocasia "California", but this time I have more than words of adoration for my favorite specimen in the garden. How to Propagate a Hoya Cutting in Water. Alocasia x Amazonica, also known as Alocasia ‘Polly,’ features shiny, deep green leaves with angular edges and contrasting white veining. You won’t be able to see whether the cuttings are rooting successfully, so for the first few weeks you … The Rainforest Garden is about enriching your life with everything that the garden has to offer, be it mud puddles, surprise blooms or freshly-picked backyard produce. Plant to repot your alocasia every couple of years or when it becomes root-bound (signs include roots growing out of the bottom of the pot and soil that drains too quickly because it is too bound up in the roots to absorb water). Do NOT try to take cuttings from an Alocasia, it will never work. I liked the pictures. I've never thought to take cuttings - I assumed divisions. No. . So here goes… Sphagnum Moss . Your new plants will be genetically identical to the mother, so choose the best plant possible. How to Propagate from Cane Cuttings. Alocasia grows from rhizomes in the ground, and the best method of alocasia plant propagation involves splitting up these rhizomes. Remove the leaves on the part of each cuttings that will be under water in your glass or vase. Make a well in the soil a little larger than the tuber and place the tuber in the well with the pointy side facing up. Impatiens are beautiful and colorful flowers that are ridiculously easy to propagate from cuttings in water. In this year it produces many baby plants in this year. Alocasia Frydek or Alocasia Micholitziana or sometimes just called Alocasia Green Velvet is a stunning plant and one of our favourites Alocasias. I have some black velvet alocasia, it seems to being doing pretty well getting a little to big for my vivarium. At least I know you'll still be there when I get back from the honeymoon and have more free time! Look for houseplant-specific or compact varieties which won’t grow too large to be used as an indoor plant; these types typically don’t grow more than two or three feet high or wide. Consider running a humidifier near them to create the best conditions. You want a plant that is healthy, grows well, and produces well. How to Propagate Rubber Tree Plants With Cuttings . Thanks. Select a large pot with drainage holes and fill it with well-draining potting soil. Simply place the cuttings onto wet moss and close the lid. It has large, beautiful, and sizable leaves and does also produce flowers occasionally but that is not its striking feature. Elephant ears like to grow in soil that is consistently moist. My two-year old son, however, is my biggest and most exhausting accomplishment. Now that the cutting has arrived, I am going to prepare it for propagation. I'll have to try it. Display your alocasia where temperatures don’t drop below 60 degrees at night. Rooting chain of hearts in water is super easy. Do NOT cut off the stem of your Alocasia. Step 2: Gently pull apart the root ball into clumps, making sure that each clump includes at least a couple of potato-like tubers among the roots. Make a hole with a pencil in the soil in the pot and insert the cutting into the soil. When will you be getting married and where are you going for your honeymoon? These bold tropicals can add a striking, jungle-like vibe to your space. For example, if you have one tomato plant that out-produces all the others, that is the plant to choose, as long as it is still healthy. WATER PROPAGATION. Why? To propagate, the recommendation is to take at least a two-node cutting. Take some cuttings, put them in water, wait for roots to start growing and then plant your new plant babies. Propagating with cuttings is a great way to put the pruned-off pieces of your rubber tree to work. As alocasia is toxic to people and pets, choose a spot that’s out of reach of children, dogs, and cats. Great post, Steve! or to get some more plants from it. One of my favorite topics about alocasias is their propagation, as this is one of its overall strengths. If you're stuck waiting for another one of my blog posts, fear not! Thereafter, water the soil at least every other day and do not let the top layer dry out. My name is Steve Asbell and I'm the author of. Tradescantia plants root extremely quickly that way. How to Propagate Alocasia Polly? That is a beautiful plant! Place your plant on top of a tray of pebbles with just enough water so that pebbles will elevate the bottom of the pot above the water line; this will add humidity to the air around your plant as the water evaporates. Keep divisions in a space free from drafts or temperature fluctuations while their root systems re-establish, then care for them as usual. Alocasia plants benefit from high humidity. Hopefully part 2 will be a follow-up to these fallen trunks. Growing plants from cuttings is an excellent way to fill your garden with lush flowers, herbs, and other plants without spending any money. Accomplishing division is relatively simple and will turn a crowded alocasia into two or more new plants. The best method to propagate the alocasia plant is through rhizome division. Keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid allowing it to dry out completely or become waterlogged. Wow how easy! If you want to save the plant and put it in water, you need to remove all the soil and put the whole root system in water. Can’t you propagate an alocasia from a leaf? Awesome! Very good post. Maybe "stem cuttings" isn't the right way to describe it though. Not to mention water propagation versus soil propagation. Voilà! To propagate this way, just fill a few small pots with that same light but rich soil and stick the cuttings about halfway in there. Plant your alocasia in a container with a loose, well-drained soil. Alocasia which is also infamously known as Elephant Ear or African mask is a type of household tropical plant. The easiest and most common methods of propagating houseplants are taking stem and leaf cuttings or splitting them up into divisions. And you know us; we're always looking to add that feel to our homes. Start with cuttings from your plants, or ask friends for their cuttings. Because unlike other plants, its propagation does not involve planting the stem-cuttings. Since alocasia are tropical jungle plants, they need consistent soil moisture. Alexandra Jones is an avid urban grower and Master Gardener writing about houseplants, gardening, and sustainability from her home in Philadelphia. However, alocasia are inedible and are more often grown in containers as indoor plants. You can replant the tubers immediately if you want to put them in a container. Use a rich soil between 5.5 and 7.0 pH. When your houseplants begin to crowd their pots, you may thin them out and create new plants by taking cuttings. Like many of their cousins in the aroid family, such as philodendrons, pothos, monstera, and ZZ plants, alocasia are easy to propagate via cuttings or division. I haven't been able to visit your blogs in a while thanks to this "family crisis" and the wedding coming up! If the lower leaves of the cutting sink into the hole or touch the soil, pull them off using your fingers. With a shovel, carefully dig around the plant and lift it out of the ground. Click to see full answer Also question is, can you propagate alocasia from Leaf? If the soil turns out to be quite clumped, you can soak it in water or use a gardening hose to free up the roots. Semi-softwood cuttings are taken in summer when the new growth is nearly mature and hardwood cuttings are very mature material and generally quite woody. Your alocasia may bloom, but its flowers aren’t particularly showy, with the tiny blooms growing on a buff-colored spadix surrounded by a pale green or white spathe. Frydek is an Elephant’s Ear variation that is also called the Green Velvet Alocasia. So a two node cutting would be a piece of vine that had two places where leaves emerged. Simply take several cuttings that are a few inches long and place them in water. Dividing alocasia into smaller portions can be done due to the clumping or rhizomatous (spreading via underground stems) nature of the root structure. Plant cuttings are grouped into four basic categories: softwood, greenwood, semi … Each clump will grow a new plant. You see, today I'll actually show you how to grow your own Alocasias from stem cuttings! If you do have an outdoor space, such as a yard, deck, balcony, or fire escape that’s not in direct sun, your alocasia will benefit from living outdoors in the warm summer months. You can propagate elephant ears by seed, runner or by transplanting. How to Care For (and Propogate) Your Aglaonema Plant, How to Care For (and Propagate) Your Hen and Chicks Plant, How to Set Up a Propagation Station and Easily Grow New Plants, How To Care for (and Propagate) Your Prayer Plant, How To Care for (and Propagate) Your Bird's Nest Fern, Everything You Need to Know About Pilea Peperomioides, Get Ready to See This Pretty Purple Plant All Over Instagram—And Our Homes, How to Care for (and Propagate) Your Monstera Plant, How to Care for (and Propagate) Your English Ivy Plant, How to Care for (and Propagate) Your Jade Plant, What You Need to Know About Lucky Bamboo Care, Everything You Need to Know to Care For (and Propagate) Your Peperomia, How to Care for (and Propagate) Your Aloe Plant, 11 Plants That Are Safe to Have Around Your Dogs. Propagation of alocasia should be done in spring or early summer, when the plant is just coming out of dormancy from the winter. Sphagnum Moss and a closes plastic container seems to be the most common way to propagate shingling plants. Both species are within the same family, but have different requirements. If its a plant like an alocasia that has rhizomes roots, make sure to cut as much of the rot off as possible but try to salvage a part of the rhizome since this is where new roots will grow from. Step 3: Plant your divisions in appropriately sized containers with well-drained potting mix, then water the new plants. It is transplanting time. A window that doesn’t get harsh direct sun, like a north-facing or east-facing window, can be a great spot for this plant to thrive. The easiest way to propagate Tradescantia pallida is through stem cuttings. Alocasia can also do well on a windowsill in your bathroom, where they’ll get good light, and steam from the shower will add moisture to the air. 6. Can you propagate alocasia Polly? :). Dividing alocasia into smaller portions can be done due to the clumping or rhizomatous (spreading via underground stems) nature of the root structure. Learning to propagate cuttings in water is an excellent way to multiply plants that may not grow true to type from seed, or that may be difficult to germinate. The best time to propagate basil by taking cuttings is during the growing season, which is usually during spring, summer, and fall. How to Propagate an Alocasia Plant. DONE. ... (Alocasia … For your honeymoon take/make cuttings from your plants, its propagation does not involve planting the stem-cuttings generally woody... And suggestions please feel free to share your questions, ideas and suggestions a.. Seasons new growth begins alocasia in a container with a loose, soil. Most important step in the ground carefully dig around the plant is by rhizome clump... And 7.0 pH the easiest and most common methods of propagating houseplants are taking stem and leaf,. 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