'Cause I kept having dreams about the dead guy in the mine. Carmen kept her attention on the horses in the corral. The altar in the center was empty while seven statues kept watch over it. She kept on crying. He kept his eyes on the road, his expression unreadable. Now, come along, Master Victor should not be kept waiting. If he kept their attention divided and their focus on their turf wars, he was largely overlooked. She kept her face averted until the warmth left her cheeks. Katie giggled and assisted him so that he could hug his daddy, but kept him in her lap. Do you own that storage facility where they were kept? In "cold galvanizing" the zinc is deposited electrolytically from a bath, preferably kept neutral or slightly acid, containing a io% solution of crystallized zinc sulphate, ZnSO 4.7H20. It stands half a mile to the east from Nish, and is called to this day by the Turkish name "Tyele-Koula," "the Tower of Skulls.". force. Thus, if the star's image is kept in bisection by the wire, both star and wire will appear at rest in the field of view. At each station sets of telegraph apparatus are connected to the segments, so that when the arms are kept rotating the set connected to I becomes periodically connected to the set connected to I', the set connected to 2 to the set connected to 2', and so on. They kept Logan's baseball gear there, and she felt the sudden need to have a bat in her hands. Uncertain what to do with either, she kept them. They never, in any situation, cultivated the soil for any kind of food-crop. Since I was in kindergarten, the world has kept saying how pretty I am with one breath and how stupid I am with the other. He kept trying, and we learned later, he maintained contact for nearly a mile. Example sentences with the kept on, a sentence example for kept on, and how to make kept on in sample sentence, ... lasted for 15 minutes with their cradle slamming into a wall at one point, sending glass flying into the building and down to the ground. As the cable is sheathed it is stored in large water-tight tanks and kept at a nearly uniform temperature by means of water. Darian moved away from the door and kept to the edge of the room, sensing he was only welcomed because he was in the unique position to defend everyone there if the Other started blasting people. It resembled a studio apartment with a real bed and dresser, a restroom cordoned off by opaque curtains in one corner, a small study where he kept his war docs, a kitchenette, rugs, and a small living area. He started around the breakfast bar, and she kept pace with him on the opposite side. It's the key to a great power capable of destroying a world is kept, he said, his hands falling away from her neck. She was the one who kept saying no to his only possible solution. I'm sorry to have 3. Then, hand your writing over to a trusted editor. Quinn quipped it would be worth the price of the car if she kept motoring north to Canada and out of our lives. In upper Italy cattle are principally reared in pens and stalls; in central Italy cattle are allowed to run half wild, the stall system being little practised; in the south and in the islands cattle are kept in the open air, few shelters being provided. Could it be that his stoic personality was the very thing that kept her interest perked? The influence of Aspasia on Athenian thought, though denounced unsparingly by most critics, may indeed have been beneficial, inasmuch as it tended towards the emancipation of the Attic woman from the over-strict tutelage in which she was kept. After the obligatory shower, fresh clothes and a hearty supper, the tired body was beginning to revive, as long as the mind kept mum about tomorrow's 90 miles and the 10,850­foot climb up Wolfe Creek Pass. Mr. Tim kept her too busy to allow her time to have her own life. simple past tense and past participle of keep, As a politician this had been valuable to him, and he, Where there are many rivers there has been much rain, and the soil is, But the letter she wore in her pocket by day, and, Petitioners, homagers, and visitors of every description, In the far corner, by the window, there used to be a press, in which nurse, If they were lurking in the vicinity, the sight of superior numbers, In this game we used the three smallest balls and, Gray noticed the action, and a vivid curiosity rose up in him to know what the man, The gentlemen were in high good-humour, and, He had only taken a short flight, for his wife was hatching an egg, and he, Apafi made haste with his toilet in order that none should be, She did this work in her bedroom at night, and, The man had put his hand on the neck of the horse, and he still, Kept in a sentence | Short example sentence for kept[Class 1-5], Excused in a sentence | Short example sentence for excused[Class 1-5], Perceptible in a sentence | Short example sentence for perceptible[Class 1-5], Fright in a sentence | Short example sentence for fright[Class 1-5], Faggots in a sentence | Short example sentence for faggots[Class 1-5], Try On in a sentence | Short example sentence for try on[Class 1-5], Fishwives in a sentence | Short example sentence for fishwives[Class 1-5], Ice in a sentence | Short example sentence for ice[Class 1-5], Centipede in a sentence | Short example sentence for centipede[Class 1-5], Jargon in a sentence | Short example sentence for jargon[Class 1-5], Returned in a sentence | Short example sentence for returned[Class 1-5], Started in a sentence | Short example sentence for started[Class 1-5], Gotten in a sentence | Short example sentence for gotten[Class 1-5], Noticed in a sentence | Short example sentence for noticed[Class 1-5], Arrived in a sentence | Short example sentence for arrived[Class 1-5], Emerged in a sentence | Short example sentence for emerged[Class 1-5], Slammed in a sentence | Short example sentence for slammed[Class 1-5], Hopped in a sentence | Short example sentence for hopped[Class 1-5], Regretted in a sentence | Short example sentence for regretted[Class 1-5]. Taran kept his gaze steady, his heart pounding. It’s actually a lot easier, faster and more fruitful to write a lot of simple sentences that each communicate one idea. How to use their in a sentence. The earth goes round the sun. The siege was long and costly; the army suffered severely; and only the tenacity of the tsar kept it in camp for six weeks. I've kept my identity hidden for five years now, but I knew deep down inside that it couldn't last forever. Martha kept up a steady stream of reminiscences; I'm sure for Howie's benefit. Example sentences related to simple past tense, 20 Sentences in Simple Past Tense; Two boys played with a ball. Ed was okay, so long as he kept his belly away from the bar, Harold answered. We want a new Fred O'Connor and David Dean kept close tabs on the New Jersey nuptials via telephone. If there's one thing that drives Dustin crazy, it's being kept in the dark. Answers 1. This part he kept silent for fear of spooking someone he was supposed to be leading. `Keep your cool, you will bounce back' It's difficult to see keep your cool in a sentence . Princess followed Ed up the steep trail with an eager stride that kept Carmen clinging to the saddle horn. It kept you're mind so busy that you're hands didn't get a chance to write. The battery is kept to the line by the bar c, which short-circuits the keys. How to use kept in a sentence. You can write ten sentences daily routine in English because of many reasons. When she spotted Carmen, her eyes widened, but she kept walking. Deidre kept her thoughts to herself, growing more distressed with the visit. 4. In that year Francesco Morosini, upon whose tomb we still may read the title Peloponnesiacus, wrested the whole of the Morea from the Turks. One hundred fifty-six Maid Marian Lane was a neatly kept ranch to which a one-car garage had been added. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. Example Sentence; May the force be with you. She kept the doors locked and pulled Brutus in from the fields to walk with them when they did chores. Pharmaceutical industries as distinguished from those above mentioned, have kept pace with the general development of Italian activity. I don't know how the others kept a straight face but I pulled out a handkerchief, pretending to blow my nose. Example sentences with the word kept. It was the mystery surrounding the family that kept her mind occupied – and Yancey. I'd appreciate it if you kept his name out of this bedroom. He kept his hands behind his back and tasted her, enjoyed her, tested her without pushing either of them over the edge. They navigated the jungle as fast as they could, catching themselves against trees as they slid through slippery piles of leaves and over fallen branches. He tried to formulate a non-accusatory question but the image of Billy Langstrom's crushed body kept getting in the way. He was normal, aside from the weird buzz at the base of his skull that'd kept him awake every night since Bianca touched his face. As long as he stayed distracted, she could try to find where he kept the necklace. At Breda he enlisted as a volunteer, and the first and only pay which he accepted he kept as a curiosity through life. "If it kept your hands off the women in court and the merchants' sons out of the Healer's ward, yes," Darian replied. She kept her vigil for what must have been several hours. The backpack she kept with her as she exited the locker room into the gym area. He was, according to his enemies, the son of an apothecary, his father being in fact a doctor of medicine of respectable family, who kept a small drug store as part of the necessary outfit of a country practitioner. String together all those ideas with enough simple sentences and you’ll be amazed how great your writing can become without trying to be fancy. Another word for kept. She kept looking at them, possibly wondering what was causing such pain. The questions put by these two kept the conversation from changing its ordinary character of gossip about the higher government circles. Howie showed no signs of the anxiety he displayed on round one but his eagerness kept him awake. He was met with a blank stare but kept going. He could account for the correct mileage on the car if he used a tow bar that kept the wheels on the road. 5. Founded in 1735 by the marquis Carlo Ginori, they maintained a reputation of the very highest kind down to about 1860; but since then they have not kept pace with their younger rivals in other lands. Little conversation took place as each of us kept our thoughts to ourselves. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. How sick was the man who kept his former enemy as a slave? He rose and crossed to the small safe where he kept what they'd found on her. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. Rob was still with them, but kept a low profile. You keep your cool in disputes, and have an overall positive attitude. While you ruminate over that question, check out the following 25, all unique in their own right, each opening the floodgates to the story that awaits. The key to writing clear sentences is recognizing when your grammar gets sloppy. Deidre kept on running, and Katie pushed her body forward. She steadied herself and looked up in time to see him disappear into the jungle. I know, I bought some more, but where do you like it kept? His brothers gave him his space and their lifemates kept him company. Example Sentence; Though it was very late, students kept studying. (attention, interest) " We kept our appointment. " 2. Cold water soaked Lana's boots as Dan kept them on the creek's edge for a few hundred meters before veering into the surrounding forest. 2. In planting, the tops of the bulbs should be kept a little above ground, and it is a commendable plan to draw away the soil surrounding the bulbs when they have got root-hold. She'd kept the flowers around Jonny's bed as fresh as the day they arrived last week. If he kept this up, he'd burn out and then he'd really be ready to leave. He kept writing all one summer—ten or twelve letters. He kept up the communication for six months, in all weathers, and found that ordinary commercial messages could be transmitted at the rate of 15 to 20 words a minute. I kept you quiet long enough for the bond to stick. This appears actually to be the case in the period of the First Dynasty of Babylon and also in the 7th century in Assyria, where early Babylonian customs were kept up conservatively. She'd hoped her burden would end there, and the secrets she kept could be turned over to someone who could fix things. Sticky blood covered the hilt of the dagger, her pants, the root, Deidre's shoe and pants leg. Yet she kept the Adriatic free of pirates, notably by suppressing the sea-robbers called Uscocchi (1601-1617), maintained herself in the Ionian Islands, and in 1684 added one more to the series of victorious episodes which render her annals so romantic. Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief. Jessi waited for him to turn, but he kept walking. Examples of Keep in a sentence After the engaged couple broke up, the woman decided to keep her engagement ring even though she was supposed to give it back. His leg was hurt, and only his stubbornness kept him from surrendering to shock. But you kept trying to take me from them. Jackson kept filling Connor's wine glass, yet he still appeared shaken. They are as a rule well kept up in north and central Italy, less so in the south, where, especially in Calabria, many villages are inaccessible by road and have only footpaths leading to them. 6. Alex had nursed them back to health and released them in the area where the goats had been kept when she owned the dairy. A simple sentenceconsists of one independent clause. You kept saying all that land up there is the same—trees and rocks. 1. He kept his voice firm and cold, unwilling to give on either point. Read More. All right, but I don't like being kept in the dark about all this. She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade. Carmen barely kept her seat as the horse pranced nervously. He gently lowered her feet, but kept a supporting arm around her. If he didn.t leave soon, and she kept looking at him like that, he.d make love to her right there. At least Hell kept up with the latest styles, she thought darkly. I had trouble sleeping on the sofa because I kept thinking about my vision from earlier. I'm assuming he kept you because you're the best surgeon there is. Jule chose the center wing and kept to the side of the hallway. This account he kept back, as he himself states, in order to see from tie reception met with by the Descriptio, whether it would be acceptable. Jonathan had taken the time to learn sign language so that he could talk to Alex and she had kept him away from the hospital. Pure will kept her conscious as she struggled to keep it from shredding her. But there are better ways to keep your cool in a heat wave. For during the year that elapsed before he left Swabia (and whilst he sojourned at Neuburg and Ulm), and amidst his geometrical studies, he would fain have gathered some knowledge of the mystical wisdom attributed to the Rosicrucians; but the Invisibles, as they called themselves, kept their secret. His shove almost drove her to her knees again. Carmen tried to shut them out by thinking about something else, but her mind kept going back to the same thing. The needle (in the modern pattern) is of soft iron, and is kept magnetized in ductively by the action of two permanent steel magnets. The true home of this deer has never been ascertained, and probably never will be; all the few known specimens now living being kept in confinement - the great majority in the duke of Bedford's park at Woburn, Bedfordshire. He kept notes on when they visited town and where they went. The beds are kept artificially moist by the application of water brought from the surface, and the different galleries bear crops in succession. Above each shelf, a hinged, Plexiglas cover kept dust off the shoes. They stood the raise and kept him. When she looked at him, he kept his eyes on the road. They found sorry to write sentence with kept their cool her own issues to deal with title of,... 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