A BIP can include prevention strategies, which stop the behavior before it begins, as well as replacement behaviors, which achieve the same function as the disruptive behavior without causing disruption. Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA): A study of the causes of a child’s behaviors in order to eliminate negative behaviors and replace them with appropriate ones. Most states have already changed the term.) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): The environment in which students with disabilities must be educated, as mandated by The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). [LINK to Behavior and Classroom Management-intro]. The document outlines the plan for delivery of support services to eligible students living within the geographic boundaries of the plan. (IDEA)Cumulative File: The records maintained by the local school district for any child enrolled in school. Appropriate accommodations are made to level the playing field, i.e., to provide equal opportunity to … Classroom Management: The way in which a class is arranged. The ARD committee meets at least once per year to review the IEP and construct a new plan for the coming year. CBM can involve checklists or oral questions which the teacher uses to gauge student understanding and skill in a particular curriculum. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): One of the measures used to determine eligibility for special education services. Obsessions are intrusive ideas, thoughts or images while compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the child feels they must perform. Flashcards. Child Find Program: A program, mandated by IDEA, that continuously searches for and evaluates children who may have a disability. IDEA (with all its subsequent modifications) is the federal law that gives children with disabilities the same right to an appropriate education as children without special needs. Autism (AU): A developmental disability caused by a physical disorder of the brain appearing during the first three years of life. SHARE. A All three of these acronyms refer to the same thing. The ability to recognize that a person is first a student helps everyone see the human being, not what makes him or her a student with special needs. The team reviews assessment results, determines goals and objectives and program placement for the child needing services. Special education (also known as special-needs education, aided education, exceptional education, special ed., SEN or SPED) is the practice of educating students in a way that addresses their individual differences and special needs. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): A law that guarantees educational rights to all students with disabilities and makes it illegal for school districts to refuse to educate a student based on his or her disability. Every field has its own lingo. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): A technique for correcting behavior and social skill deficits in children with special needs. ADR Alternative Dispute R esolution An interest -based approach to resolving disagreements between two parties. Non-public school placement is sought only after efforts to find appropriate placement in public schools have been exhausted. Special Education Terminology. Deaf-Blindness (DB): Simultaneous hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness. Child Find Programs can vary widely from school district to school district. Cut through the confusion by becoming familiar with the medical, psychological, legal and educational terms often used in educational settings. The term includes both partial sight and blindness. Common Core is designed to have fewer, Professional Learning Community (PLC): A group of professionals that review data, create needed interventions and make decisions, with the goal of helping students learn and achieve. In some states this team is called the admission, review and dismissal (ARD) team. Special Education … If they do qualify, the district of residence is responsible for writing an Individualized Education Plan. Ad PE or APE Adapted Physical Education Specialized physical education … Collaborative Teaching: A teaching strategy in which two or more teachers work together, sharing responsibilities to help all students succeed in the classroom. It is based on the understanding that children are more likely to repeat desired behaviors when these behaviors are met with positive reinforcement, and that they are less likely to repeat undesirable behaviors that are not rewarded. These tests are often part of the assessment process. NESA | NSW Education Standards Authority. Special Education Terms. over several years. This definition abolished the previously used term Special Educational Needs and was set out in the 2004 Additional Support for Learning Act. Guess what? Adult education The practice of teaching and educating adults. Parent Consent: Special education term used by IDEA that states you have been fully informed in your native language or other mode of communication of all the information about the action for which you are giving consent and that you understand and agree in writing to that action. Menu. This information is taken from our Special Education How-to Guide. Curriculum-Based Measurements (CBM): Small, regular evaluations used to determine how well a student is learning in various subject areas. use of words and terms that are commonly found in state and federal education communications. shared set of evidence Impairment could be a result of chronic health problems such as asthma, attention deficit disorder, epilepsy, heart condition, hemophilia, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever and sickle cell anemia. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE): Special education and related services are provided at public expense, without charge to the parents. This is also known as a "resource room." Here are some common special education terms that you’ll find in an individual education plan or special education lesson plan. Cards In This Set. Private School: There are new laws regulating the rights of students with disabilities whose parents place them in private schools. Transition Meeting: A meeting of the individualized education program (IEP) team prior to a student moving into a new program or school. Learn to speak “special education” Like a lot of professional fields, Special Education has its own special terms and acronyms. NESA is regularly updating its advice as the coronavirus outbreak unfolds. Glossary of Special Education Terms. Special Day Class (SDC): Term used to describe a self contained special education class which provides services to students with intensive needs that cannot be met by the general education program, RSP or DIS program. Source: AccessSTEM. Common Core Standards: Source: Washington OSPI http://www.k12.wa.us/TitleIIA/HighlyQualifiedTeachers.aspx. IT: Instructional Technology. Therefore, I did not put together the … To read inspirational words of comfort from parents of children of special needs, or to submit your own, visit the Comfort Wall. It also contains grades and the results of standardized assessments. ODD often occurs with other behavioral problems such as ADHD, learning disabilities and anxiety disorders. If a child has Tourette's syndrome, symptoms tend to appear between the ages of 3-10 years old. It is challenging enough for specialists in the field to stay abreast of the terminology, and even more daunting for school counselors and parents to do so. Logsdon, A. Examples include, extended time, different test format, and alterations to a classroom. For the definitions of special education terms used by your local school board you can check the school board website. Multiple Disabilities: An IEP term used to define a combination of disabilities that causes severe educational needs that require multiple special education programs such as mental retardation with blindness. Address: GPO Box 169 Hobart TAS 7001 . They may make a recommendation for a special education evaluation. RTI strategies address both learning and behavior. Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): A plan that targets one to three of a student’s undesirable behaviors with interventions that are linked to the functions of the behavior; each intervention specifically addresses a measurable, clearly-stated targeted behavior. Common Terms in Special Education. Source: University of Michigan Health System http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/devmile.htm. Students with behavioral problems are often overlooked for special education. Other Health Impaired: Term used to describe limited strength, vitality and alertness that results in limited ability in the educational environment. Term dates. 1. The most recent revision occurred in 2004. The notice must be given in writing within 30 days. It is a team comprised of the school psychologist, parents and the school’s special education team that meets when a child continues to struggle after attempts have been made to remedy problems without special education services. It is very likely that the 2014 date and perhaps the  notion of Annual Yearly Progress will be significantly changed with the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). IEP Team: The team of qualified professionals made up of the parent, special education teacher, interpreter of test data, district representative, and general education teacher at a minimum. Wrightslaw Glossary of Special Education and Legal Terms. They are also available regarding hearing impairments and amplification. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004): The original legislation was written in 1975 guaranteeing students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education and the right to be educated with their non-disabled peers. The district of residence may assess the student to determine if the student qualifies for special education. Special education involves a lot of terms and abbreviations that may be new to you. Special Education (SPED): Term used in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that is defined as specially designed instruction to increase the student’s chances for success. PLAAFP is short for present level of academic achievement and functional performance. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a “spectrum disorder” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no longer an ADD diagnosis. Overview; Areas of Eligibility; Child Find; IEP Process; Transition; Glossary of Terms; Additional Resources; Glossary of Terms . Hearing Impairment: Full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds. Accommodations. Students with disabilities must be educated in a classroom setting that is as close to the general education setting as possible. Parenting » Attention disorders, Emotional smarts, Learning disabilities, Special needs » Frequently used educational terms: learning and attention problems. Like a lot of professional fields, Special Education has its own special terms and acronyms. Changes in how test is administered that do not substantially alter what the test measures; includes changes in presentation format, response format, test setting or test timing. Source: NICHCY http://nichcy.org/disability/specific/emotionaldisturbance. Today I want to highlight some common Special Education terminology you may hear in the United States, in order to help you better understand and navigate the system. })(); Copyright © 2013-2021 Special Education Guide. Visual Impairment (VI): An impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Navigation Menu. 20 Key Terms Everyone in Education Should Know. Telephone 707-253-6810 . They must be relevant, specific and measurable. They were created by Every state has the freedom to define AYP. Occupational Therapists: Provide consultation and support to staff to improve a student’s educational performance related to fine motor, gross motor and sensory integration development. Hearing Impairment: An impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. (The federal government has passed legislation changing this term, but the legislation gave the states no deadline for changing the term in state laws/documents. Education is one of them. If your child has an IEP, PLOP serves as the starting point, or baseline, for the coming year’s IEP. in Special Education, M.A.T. Blindness: Condition defined by lacking visual perception due to physiological or neurological factors. Related services is the term for those services a disabled child needs in order to benefit from special education. All students, including those in special education programs, must demonstrate adequate yearly progress, until 2014 when the law assumes all students have met the standards. IU-Intermediate Unit, these are unique to PA and we have 29 of them, they are the “intermediate unit” that is the link between the state department of education and the school district, provide special ed services; ARD-this is unique to Texas, stands for Admission, Review, Dismissal Deafness: Hearing impairment so severe that a child is impaired in possessing any linguistic information through hearing. A skills evaluation is a common element of an assessment plan. Write. Developmental and Social History: A narrative assessment formulated by a child’s classroom teacher, parents, pediatrician and school specialists, focusing on issues such as the child’s health history, developmental milestones, genetic factors, friendships, family relationships, hobbies, behavioral issues and academic performance. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE): Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004): Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE): To read inspirational words of comfort from parents of children of special needs, or to submit your own, visit the. Main Office Info. An example is a reading fluency deficit, where the child cannot read smoothly or does so at too slow a rate. Mon, Feb 01, 2021 Professional Development Day. (An acronym is an abbreviation made up of the first letters of other words in a phrase or name.) Asst./MIS Technician Pam Poole, Business Process Analyst. It gives the student equal access to learning in the general education classroom. Interventions: Sets of teaching procedures used by educators to help students who are struggling with a skill or lesson succeed in the classroom. Source: Autism Speaks http://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism. ), but it should at least jumpstart your orientation to the world of Special Education! © Copyright 2019 UnderstandingSpecialEducation.com. in Special Education, Master's and Graduate Certificate Programs in Special Education, (B.Ed.) Source: National Education Association http://www.nea.org/home/NoChildLeftBehindAct.html. Academic Assessment is a process undertaken by the classroom teacher to assist in determining the strengths and needs of a student. Multiple Intelligences Theory: A theory which outlines students’ varied approaches for processing information (known as “intelligences”) and how teachers can access these pathways. These members are often the same as the IEP Team, but the law does not define a MET or MDT, simply calls them a group of qualified professionals. Specific learning disabilities include conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia. Definitions are often provided in … Designated Instruction Services (DIS): Instruction and services not normally provided by regular classes, resource specialist programs or special day classes. The district must provide parents with information about how to obtain an IEE. Officials from 48 states participated in the process to develop the standards Asperger's Syndrome: A type of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) that involves delays in the development of basic skills, including socializing, coordination and the ability to communicate. Physical Therapist (PT): Professionals who help people who have injuries or illnesses improve their movement and manage their pain. Phone: 1800 816 057. Source: Indiana Family and Social Services Administration http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/3382.htm, Developmental Milestones: A set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range. SPECIAL EDUCATION ACRONYMS AND GLOSSARY OF TERMS ACRONYM TERM DEFINITION ADL Activities of Daily Living Activities that make a student independent in his environment, such as dressing, eating, and toileting. Individuals are taught to initiate by handing a picture to a communication partner in exchange for a desired item. 45420. They plan programs to meet the special needs of children and often serve as a facilitator during an IEP meeting. This list won’t include EVERY single term or acronym (there are A LOT! Appropriate accommodations are made to level the playing field, i.e., to provide equal opportunity to … They have a right to fully take part in school life, … In fact, our lingo is quite dynamic, as we are always finding new strategies to implement. 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